Top Hour Locksmith 0127179772 Shah Alam Klang Valley Kuala Lumpur

Reliable & Trusted Locksmith in Klang Valley

Tukang Kunci Shah Alam & Klang Valley

Provide 24/7 emergency locksmith service

Our Service

Door Lock Installation

Are you intersted in installing new locks?If so,we're here to help.We have access to cutting-edge supplies & can find the best locking system for your home.We offer both manual and digital locks. You can count on our locksmith to explain your options to youand help you find the best solution for your home.

Car Locksmith

As an experienced car locksmith, we utilize a range of tools when unlocking vehicles, like pump wedges. This device is able to detach a door lock, allowings us to open the door.It's a simple method that won't damage the locks on your car.

Duplicating Keys

We started out duplicating keys for our customers. It's still one of the services that is most highly requested by our customers. If you steo into our shop, we'll be able to duplicate your key quickly at a reasonable rete.We work quickly, and we always deliver great results.

Duplicating Remote Control

Computerized Key Cutting & Duplication Service, Transponder Key Service,Car Key Remote/Keyless Car Fob Programming Stolen Or Lost Car Keys Replacement, Automotive Workstation


Lock Installation / Lock Pasang 97%
Unlock Service / Perkhidmatan Buka Kunci Tampa Rosak 92%
Auto Remote Programing / Duplicate Remote Kereta 90%
Keys Duplicate 95%

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